Monday, May 7, 2012

Always on the look out for new Fic

I always seem to be on the lookout for new fics to read. It is one of the reasons I love Twitter so much. I love seeing what others are talking about and if my interest is piqued then I must read.  The wide variety of good fics out there is astounding and I enjoy exploring all the choices. If you have a fic that you think I must read, please let me know. 
Follow me on twitter at @Lfcpam

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fics that have me waiting by my computer for updates

Are there fics out there that you just wait by your computer for their updates to appear in your box? You know there are..I have a few that I just cant wait see pop up in my favorite list.  I don't do many email notifications because my mailbox would explode, so I add them to my favorite list and when they update they are waiting for me when I check. I admit I check often because I'm not known for my patience when it comes to fic..but you will learn that about me.  :)

A few fics that have me waiting impatiently are Cutlass by TKegl. Thankfully she publishes every Tuesday so I know its coming but I do check..oh about once every 20 mins or so from the time I wake. Told you, I have no patience.  There is something about Pirateward that makes me swoon and we are just starting this journey and it has me all aflutter.  Tuesdays are much brighter with Cutlass on my list.

Another story that has me itching for updates is Collared by irishchicka1. Whats not to love, FBIward, BDSM and intrigue. All elements that equal a good time for me! Check it out if you haven't yet. It's a sexy good time.


Welcome to my first blog. I wanted to explore this wonderful world of blogging so I thought I would do that by delving into my favorite pastime which of course is reading! If you are totally in love with a fic please let me know..I'm always looking to increase my TBR list. As a fanfiction writer myself it's wonderful to spread the word about other fics out there and to give their authors major props for jumping into the scary world of writing.